We frequently look to our parents, mentors, and peers for guidance about how to live our lives, whether overtly or subliminally. It's easy to lose sight of our style and take ardent notes from others we adore along the way. However, a little reflection may go a long way toward providing you with a new perspective and insight into how you live your life.
My viewpoint and priorities have shifted. I wish I had not attempted to grow up so quickly, but I believe some lessons may have accelerated my development into my best self and more prudent use of my time.

The following are some things I would tell myself in my early twenties to expedite the process of sharing my greatness with the world:
You set the rules for your life.
Among the most valuable lessons I've learned is that "you are the authority on you." Utilize this when faced with the most consequential decisions of your life. Consider people as "consultants" when you seek outside viewpoints.
You are the "boss" of your life and will make the ultimate decision and enjoy the most benefit.
You have the ultimate directory of what defines you when you stop considering it! What you were, what you desire to be, and who you indeed are all things under your control.
You are essential to the world and yourself, and you are not required to make concessions.
Not with your experiences, perspective on the world, or ambitions; there is no one else on the planet who possesses your precise blend of unique qualities and worth to contribute. Therefore, embrace it!
Embrace it, cultivate it, and appreciate it because, first and foremost, it will make you smile, and secondly, THAT is what transforms the world, being able to perfect how you and ONLY YOU can accomplish. That is pure enchantment. The world REQUIRES your uniqueness.
Always go with your instincts.
Particularly if you suffer from stress/anxiety aches, develop the habit of listening to your intuition. - Following your gut instincts may be both cerebral and physical. Never disregard your body, and if you suspect anything is wrong, you are almost certainly correct. Follow your instincts and be mindful of your primary human/almost primordial reaction to something that has the potential to bring you damage (in varying degrees).
Stress has the potential to alter your DNA and prolong your life.
Blue zones are topographical parts where people live significantly longer than the rest of the globe. Three variables often contribute to their long lives: their amount of stress (or lack thereof), their level of exercise, and their foods. The link between stress and lifespan is not as well-known as diet and exercise level, but it is just as critical.
If you notice that you're losing energy when you're with a specific group of people or performing a particular activity, don't dismiss it. Rather than that, address it by removing that activity or group of individuals – or by attempting to minimize it drastically. Allowing stress to persist in your life is self-abuse that can shorten your time on this planet. Take three deep yoga breaths in the morning to center yourself and start your day off correctly.
Health is a precious commodity.
Please make a point of appreciating it now, rather than waiting until it is gone.
We are frequently reminded of the fragility of life and the different ailments and obstacles that might complicate our existence. Often, these result from an unhealthy diet and destructive behaviors, whether our grandparents can only consume specific foods due to their inability to digest them. A college buddy who has developed a fatal disease, or an aunt who has adopted a better lifestyle and a renewed zest for life.
Some indicators demonstrate both the fragility of our health and our ability to modify it. Do you have any areas where you wish you were healthier? Are there things of your daily existence that you're beginning to tolerate but wish weren't (aches and pains, fatigue)?
Be curious enough to discover the source of the problem and refuse to accept poor health as the norm. Recognize that your health will affect other aspects of your life (like your relationships). You do not need to wait until something unpleasant occurs or until you reach a certain age before making a change. Begin cultivating positive behaviors immediately.
Your most valuable resource is time.
You can recoup your investment, but you cannot purchase additional time.
Fill it with people and events that help your growth and make you happier and better. It is a practice that will help you face your latter years with fewer regrets. One activity is to note what you do throughout each hour of the day and how you feel afterward or how close you came to accomplishing a goal. As with your money, create a budget/plan for your time.
Final Thoughts
The world REQUIRES your uniqueness. Develop the habit of listening to your intuition and following your gut instincts. Stress has the potential to alter your DNA and prolong your life.
Allowing stress to persist in your life is self-abuse that can shorten your time. Take three deep yoga breaths in the morning to center yourself and start your day off correctly. Do you have any areas of your daily existence that you wish you were healthier? Be curious enough to discover the source of the problem and refuse to accept poor health as the norm. Recognize that your health will affect other aspects of your life (like your relationships).