Gratitude is the state of being thankful, a readiness to show appreciation for and return kindness—gratitude nouns such as thanks, appreciation, recognition, and appreciative acknowledgment.

Gratitude is more than just a feeling of thankfulness. It is a warm or deeply appreciative feeling of kindness or benefits received. “I am grateful you are in my life.” When you feel Gratitude, you are pleased by what someone did for you and happy by the results.
There are many ways to express or show Gratitude. Here are Twelve (12) ways to Express Gratitude to another.
1.) Express or say a kind word
2.) Call to say Hi! or Hello!
3.) Email to get in touch
4.) Text to express an encouraging message
5.) Be attentive and present
6.) Supportive
7.) Ask if there is anything you can do
8.) Take someone out for lunch, coffee, or tea
9.) Impromptu visit
10.) “Thank-You”
11.) Random act of kindness
12.) Include others in your plans
Gratitude can have a lasting positive impact on our daily lives.
We can fill our lives with Gratitude. Gratitude can have a lasting positive impact on our lives. We can be grateful for things on our own and things in our daily lives without thinking about them. It can be a state of subconsciously unspoken Gratitude within ourselves.
One way to start the day is with a “Gratitude List.” There is always something to be grateful for in our daily lives. This is a way to show and recognize to ourselves what we are thankful for in our lives.
A Gratitude list states things you want in your life. Your gratitude list does not need to become a chore but in simple words, short phrases, or complete sentences. The format or what it looks like does not matter. At times, you can spontaneously say aloud or silently something you are grateful for, too.
People during their day create a time to do something healthy for themselves such as exercise, mediation, yoga or praying, or so many other things. We can each add a Gratitude List using a gratitude exercise to bring positive energy to your life. We can add the Gratitude List, bringing positive energy or creating a conscious and subconscious space within ourselves.
Here are some examples:
· Wake up with Gratitude
· Write in a gratitude journal
· Write a gratitude letter
· Use gratitude affirmations
· Walk with gratitude thoughts
A simple thought of gratitude/thankfulness can completely change how you view things around you or within you. The benefits of the gratitude process will improve emotional balance regulation, enhance the quality of sleep, increase positive feelings (mood), a sense of hope for the future, and reduce stress.
During this holiday season, I like to have each person at the Thanksgiving or holiday table say something they are grateful for in their life. These beautiful words set the tone for the giving spirit in the months and years to come.
Many Blessings to all!