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Available Online

Negative Energy Cord Cutting

Phone or Zoom

1 h 30 min
200 US dollars
Phone or Zoom

Service Description

Energetic Cords. Cords are made of energy and connect two people's energy bodies. They stretch between two people very much like an umbilical cord and transfer emotional energy and life force energy between the two people. A negative energy cord contains the energy of the negative aspects of the relationship. This can be unresolved negative emotions and issues associated with events in the relationship. We create cords to connect with one another. We can cord with others and others can cord with us. The negative connections are filled with love and light. After this process is complete, you may feel an energy shift, tired or a bit of an energy burst. Please give me a call and we can discuss the details of your specific situation and best approach. Times are approximate.

Cancellation Policy

No refunds for canceling services.

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